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About Me

Hi! This is Beijo. This is my food and drink blog where I share my recipes, restaurant reviews and adventures (travelling for the food, of course!) around the world.​


Ever since I can remember, I have always been on the hunt for new food that I have never tried. Whether it’s a slice of Vegemite toast or Korean San-nakji (live octopus sashimi), I can confidently say I savoured every bite and every moment spent on cooking or travelling for them. When my friends started to ask me for recipes and dining recommendations, I felt it’s a pretty incredible thing to be able to share how I cook and what I enjoyed to eat.


One more important thing I would like to do by creating this blog is to raise the idea of platonizing food. People may be more familiar with the idea of romanticizing food which is more about decorating or subjectively think about the eating experiences as being attractive and romantic; however, by saying platonizing food, I would like to emphasise the significance of learning, understanding, respecting, feeling, connecting (and savouring of course) the soul of the food, not only its sensory presentation, but also its story.

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